5th edition of the Youth Rescue and Care Initiative (YORCI) 5-week free summer academic,
vocational and life skills training
program would have been concluded in grand style but for the outbreak of the
Ebola Virus disease.
According to
the Executive director of the Non Governmental organisation, Mrs Bisilola Asenuga, "plans were
already in top gear for an all encompassing prize
giving and talent fair day when the federal government
issued a directive that all summer classes be suspended" She added that it was difficult suspending the program at the three centres (Lekki,Ooshodi&Festac)
as the 1,020 students
were already engrossed in different
life enriching
activities that the NGO had taken the children through.
According to
Deborah Adeyanju an ss3 students who attended program at the Oshodi centre:
"Before now,I was disrespectful,
arrogant ,unfocused and always go late for appointments but thank God for the
life skills training of the Rescue the scholars training program, I am now
better with solving mathematical
problems and am now able to extinguish fire through the practical fire training
program given to us by the consultant'' .
further on the benefits of the program to the students, Mrs Asenuga said ‘’we
invite resource persons to come enlighten them on issues that would help them
in life. In the first week, we invited a medical doctor to come enlighten the
children on Evd outbreak and issues relating to their health and in the second
week we invited Boke Safety Initiative another NGO based in Lagos to come
enlighten the children on fire management. All of these are some of the
activities that made our programme engaging to the students. She noted that the
prize giving day is a date set aside to reward the moral and academic
excellence of the children in the course of the program. She emphasised that
that it was also a date for the children to exhibit their God-given talents.
the measures that the NGO put in place to avoid the spread of Ebola, Asenuga
said " we swung into action and provided all our centres with facilities
to ensure that the students wash their hands before entering their classes in
the morning and also got another resource person to come and teach the students
how to make hand sanitizers for their use both at school and at home and now we
are happy that the kids can at least contribute their quota to their families
if they can be producing the sanitizers at home. We want to thank our corporate
sponsors first registrars, Redeemed
Christian church of God, province XI ,CSCS, vitafoam , stanbic IBTC stockbrokers and so on particularly
Mr Bayo olugbemi for believing in the future of our leaders of tomorrow"
Rescue and Care initiative was founded in 2010 with the vision to raise responsible, well informed and successful
youths that can compete favorably in any environment. Since
the inception of one of its programmes, Rescue the scholars in oshodi, the
program has now sprawled to three centres in oshodi, festac and lekki.
Pix 1:

Picture showing students at the NGO’s free
summer programm during a fire drill session while the Founder of the Boke
Safety Initiative, Mr. Kehinde Asenuga watches with interest

Picture showing Mrs. Bisilola Asenuga,
Executive Director of Youth Rescue and Care Initiative with students at the Oshodi
centre of the free summer programm

Picture showing Mr. Bayo Olugbemi, MD First
Registrars with students of the free summer programm at the Lekki centre
For details, please contact:
The ED Youth Rescue and Care Initiative
Mrs Bisilola Asenuga