

Mothering Sunday: Bishop Ezeokafor Wants Mothers To Spend More Time With Children

As the Roman Catholic Mothers world over set to celebrate this year's Mothering Sunday on Sunday 19 April 2015, the Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, His Lordship Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor has admonished the mothers to spend more time with their children in order to ensure proper up-bringing as well as help in reducing vices in society .
Bishop Ezeokafor who gave the admonition during a news briefing at St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral, Awka the Anambra State capital, stated that the role of mothers in family building can not be over-emphasized as they performed the bulk of domestic chores including the task of raising the children .

He said men were too busy most times to attend to the children but mothers should play back-up roles for their husbands by being around for the children so as to show them love, care and attention so that they would not be led astray by negative influence .
The Catholic prelate, also stressed the dire need for mothers to endeavour to monitor their children even while they were in school as he believed that teachers alone could not shoulder the responsibility of training and nurturing of children .
Bishop Ezeokafor further explained that the church celebrated mothers to appreciate as well as encourage them in the task of raising children stressing that mothering sunday was a day to glorify mothers all over the world . He was of the opinion that if the society was good , it implied that mothers have done their job .
He therefore recalled that those in the Anglican Communion have had a similar celebration for mothers even though he also pointed out that he had made efforts to ensure that the Roman Catholics and their Anglican counterparts have just one mothers' day celebration but such occasion according to him had not presented itself .
Bishop Ezeokafor however observed that mothers still have a lot to do in the up-bringing of their children to guarantee a crime-free and better society ; explaining further that children come from families and families make up the society . He also stressed the need for children to be useful to themselves , useful to their parents,useful to society and above all useful to God .
He, however wished them happy celebrations.