


Chigozie Philip
The Anambra state government has been imputed with the responsibility of increased baby factory in the state. The illegal baby industry has over the years waxed strong due to serious dereliction on the part of
the government.
Tenderlove orphanage proprietress Mrs Helen Eze in an interview with National Link disclosed that the government had a big role to play in curbing the activities of illegal orphanage homes in the state. She faulted the government for abandoning orphanage homes in the state and allowing them operate without regulating their activities. 
She said “I blame the government for the upsurge of baby factories in the state because for every organization they should be a regulatory body. So every affair of the homes ought to be controlled by them.
They are supposed to provide orphanage homes with guidelines with which they should practice”. 
“The government is doing nothing towards regulating the operation of orphanage in the state, because if they are working their staff ought to be on the filed to monitor every homes activity so that if they deviate from what is expected of them, they could be checkmated.” She recommended that for ‘baby selling’ in the state to be squelched,
the government as a matter of urgency start regulating the activities of orphanage homes and as well send foot soldiers for onward monitoring of the operations  of the homes 
“The government needs to do a lot of work as long as baby factory is concerned in other to check it they can attach a social worker to every home enquiring about how the babies in the home are admitted, and as well have the statistics of the number of babies in a particular home.” 
“The government needs to have control over the orphanage, I urge them to wake up and do what is expected of them. The ministry of women affairs should act now else this mess will generate into something one
cannot control again.” She advised 
On the issue of adoption she opined that families intending to adopt a baby should exercise patience and as well be prayerful during the process of adoption, condemning the fact that desperate intending adopters, due to lack of patient of undergoing the rigorous process of adoption because of pressure form family or society opt for quick
illegal adoption process.
 Mrs. Helen confessed that though running an orphanage was very challenging with issues ranging from feeding, clothing, education etc to grapple with she however was grateful to God for sustaining her though the are giving ministry for over 8 years . 
She appreciated the numerous partners of Tenderlove orphanage and also urged the government to equally look into the welfare of orphanage homes in the state.