

PRESS RELEASE: Imagine Ear-Piece Cannot Cost Anything Less Than Two-Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (#250,000)---Oduah

This is  the way the former Aviation Minister ( whose knack for  financial recklessness is still under probe) has been allegedly paying  for advertisements of different types to “celebrate” her  victory at the polls. Can’t this money be expended on  skill acquisition projects where her innumerable unemployed  constituents members can learn skills and then be self-employed  afterwards?
     Who conducted a media survey to ascertain whether “her purported victory” is  acceptable to Anambra North electorate or not? Isn’t her  election being challenged at the election tribunal? Isn’t  she being  tried at the court of public opinion on  charges of stopping voting at Ochuche Umodu- her
 opponent’s community and stronghold; for intimidating  voters at Onitsha North and South Local Government Areas on  election day, using her innumerable uniformed men and thugs  to best her advantage?
 Why should one  aspiring to make laws use military men and thugs to prevent  people from exercising their democratic rights? Why should  she plant a “mini naval base” at Ochuche right at the
 door step of her political opponent?      
    We are waiting  and watching, but it must be noted that we are anything but  excited over what is playing out.
    Mr.   Ikenna Nzeribe
    Odekpe Community,
 Ogbaru Local Government Area
     Anambra State