

Aftermath 2015 General Election: Bishop Ezeokafor Urges Religious Leaders To Shun Hate Prophesy In Future Elections

In the scripture, we had prophesy. But what we have in the world today are fake. I don’t believe in hate prophesy.Nobody can reveal tomorrow except God. If people can reveal the future, life wouldn’t have been as it is now. They speculate, they guess, and sometimes God allow such to happen, and they claim to have earlier predicted it. It is a lie. 
These are words of the Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, His Lordship Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor who was reacting on what he tagged fake prophesies from religious leaders during the  build-up to  the 2015 general elections in Nigeria.
The Catholic Prelate who stated this at St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral, Awka,  said 'If indeed those pastors and prophets knew the actual winners, people would not have campaigned. The winners won because they actually campaigned, while the losers lost for not campaigning well.  
According to the Bishop, 'Religion mould people’s conscience. I strongly believe that thought remains the conscience of people. What inform individual’s conscience empower them to take rightful decision.
In case of election, the bible, sermon, commandments and doctrines add in making good politicians, who are Christians  to be good Christians.

'We the religious leaders know them. We study people; to know their antecedents, past and present and what they could offer if voted into power before we can recommend or endorse such to the populace (Masses).
'But that has nothing to do with religion or denomination or denomination you belong to. If you’re a Christian, be a good Christian. If you’re a muslim, be a good muslim. Good character or good behaviour has nothing to do with individual integrity. The outmost target is your ability or willingness to perform.
'Nowhere one can remove religion from church. That is why some call it religious politics. But is not religious politics, rather it is called voting according to your conscience. The basis for voting or endorsing a candidate for any election should be good .