

Anambra Traders Kick Against Move To Transfer Prison Inmates From Northern Nigeria

Mild Drama ensued between the men of the Nigeria police Force and scores of traders under the eagis of Amalgamated Market and Traders Association (AMATA) Anambra chapter who took to the streets to oppose the rumored move by federal Government to swap some prisoners in the north with inmates in Anambra state but were later dispersed the police.
The traders numbering in their tens representing different markets in the state had earlier barricaded the Enugu-Onistha highway, chanting war songs to drive home their message to forestall moves by federal government to embark on such act.
They said they are not ready to start experiencing what the northern states are currently experiencing with the spate of Boko Haram insurgency and incessant bombing of markets and houses, they expressed worry  that prisoners brought from the north would have some Boko Haram members that may spoil the minds of  inmates here into insurgency activities.
 The frowned at the move by government and asked for a total cancellation of such move in the interest of the state and country at large.

They however reiterate their call on the federal government to instead complete the ongoing second Niger Bridge and provide employment opportunities and uneven infrastructural development to the region rather than considering their states as a place for Boko Haram inmates swap .
When contacted, the Deputy Comptroller Nigeria Prisons  Corporate  Affairs, Francis Enabore  deny the knowledge of the move for prison swap by the Nigeria Prisons service and said the relocation of prisoners on awaiting trials are done within the jurisdiction of commission while convicted prisoners are transferred at the order of court.

But what intended to be a peaceful protest was later truncated by the invasion of the men of the Nigeria police force who came to disperse the protesters from continuing the protest.

