

Gov. Willie Obiano, Uncommon thinker--- Hon. Chinedu Nkwonta

                                                         Chief Willie Obiano
Hon. Chinedu Nkwonta
It is becoming a tradition that some disgruntled individuals  must find a way, hook or crook to distort the truth. This distortion of the truth is done with utmost disregard to the collective interest of Ndi Anambra.
The human consciousness is such that if a certain impression is created, whether we believe or not, our unconsciousness somehow calls such impressions to question. Such can be very dangerous especially for the vulnerable that depend on hearsay and beer parlour information merchants for their
information update.
Some people, clearly for their selfish and wicked interests have been very reckless and callous in their attempts to malign the working government of Chief Willie Obiano. They are working on the premix that by continually bombarding the people with trash about the government, that the wall will cave in and subsequently fall. Such trash throwing maybe possible with an average performing government but not a government like we have in Anambra State today where the people are all witnesses to the massive transformation that is going on in the State, thanks to the working Willie himself,
Chief Dr. Willie Obiano.The reason I find it very easy to talk about this government is  simple, the government gives one enough reasons to talk, fantastic product.

I like to start from the beginning, Governor Obiano told us the day he was sworn in that he will operate in four cardinal areas. Those areas are Trade and Commerce, Industry, Oil and Gas and Agriculture. Ndi Anambra know that these four areas are the key areas of our collective strength as a people. Just the recognition of these areas indicate that he knows what he needs to focus on, our areas of strength. Without taking a swipe at any previous government in the State, we once had a governor that was interested in developing the stock exchange as a primary need of Ndi Anambra, the most critical time in our collective lives that we needed security, security of our lives. I still remember not too long ago, I travelled from Lagos to the East by road with my friend. Getting to Onitsha head bridge a little after 6 pm and stock in a hold-up at Upper Iweka, armed robbers were moving from one vehicle to the other robbing people. No one could do anything. Today under Akpokuo Anambra, the story has changed. At the same Upper Iweka, I came down from Owerri via Onitsha on my way to Awka one late evening, about 9 pm, getting to Upper Iweka roundabout, it was a completely different world. Every place was shinning so bright, traders were still busy trading and people were leisurely going about their businesses. Being as curious as I always am, we stopped to talk to some people that were in a makeshift beer joint, they did not mince words in appreciating our working governor that transformed Onitsha.
Governor Willie Obiano, the same way he identified our key areas of strength, recognised that for any meaningful impact to be made in any of the identified areas, we needed security. The first major public event performed by Governor Obiano was to organise a security summit. He immediately launched "Operation Kpochapu", today Anambra is safe.Anambra is not just safe, Anambra is the destination of first choice for local and international investors. Is it not amazing that within a year of taking over the leadership of our State, investments of over $2 billion were attracted to our dear If one has any investment opportunity to bring down to the State, we have an investment corporation established by Akpokuo and manned by proven professionals in the investment world. Our operational standard today as a government is the same with any government in the developed world.
Come to Awka today, our express has been a continuous building site, the reason is because of the overdue facelift and traffic decongestion along our ever busy express. In the past it would be difficult to realise when one gets to Awka, our capital city, it was a normal village like any other road stop over spot. Akpokuo recognises that the three flyovers presently under construction shall ease off traffic, save the precious lives of Ndi Anambra that have continually been victims of some avoidable accidents and also give a fantastic facelift to our capital city, the image of all of us.
Recognising what need to be done and doing it to the best professional level does not come cheap. Cheap economics most times take us back to the beginning when we have to rebuild what we had built, because it was cheap. Building cheap comes with the burden of collapse and early infrastructural wear and tear. Willie thinks safety, durability and value for money and added value in terms of respect that comes with class.
Today in Anambra State, there is an agricultural revolution. Massive attention is being paid to our agricultural potentials thanks to the visions of this man Willie Obiano. I nearly died of shock when I first heard that Governor Obiano had a Special Assistant on Fisheries. Out of curiosity, I sought an appointment with the young lanky man left with that responsibility.  By the time I finished with him, I doffed my hat not just for Governor Obiano, the man with the vision but equally for the young man with the responsibility of developing our fish potentials. I left my meeting with Mr. Iloghalu with too much respect for his knowledge of what is expected of him by the Governor but equally with a strong opinion that the governor needs to appoint Special Assistants on most food crops. Special assistants on tomatoes, maize, yam, vegetables and so on will allow them the singular responsibility of coming up with ways of making Anambra self reliant in any of these food crops. The Special Assistant
on Fisheries obviously will focus on everything fish, production, preservation, exportation and other ancillary businesses, this is not common thinking, these are the reasons we need to appreciate our Governor and encourage him, he is not ordinary, he is here to change our collective situations for the better.
It then baffles my mind that some vindictive persons for whatever reasons would want to derail the destiny of a State.I do not want to believe that the hands of former leaders of this State are involved in the malicious and damaging lies being propagated against our Governor especially online.I want to say clearly that any government that does not have critics is bound to fail especially in a democracy like ours, but when the criticisms are manufactured and maliciously targeted to cause maximum damage, then it is witchcraft, wickedness and anti Ndi Anambra, it is intended to damage our future.
Ndi Anambra are a lot wiser today, we have the capacity to separate the grain from the chaff, we can no more be deceived under any guise.
It is only he that feels it that knows it, as a people, we have been through a lot, we know where we are today, we do not want to go back to yesterday, it was not very palatable.Our prayers is that God should protect Akpokuo from the hands and evil thoughts of the wicked, God should bless our Governor and his equally hard working wife with good health and wisdom. Our prayers is that God should direct Akpokuo as to keep taking positive decisions that shall keep bettering the lives of Ndi Anambra.
Any evil person that remembers our Governor or his wife and wants to plant malicious and damaging lies against them as to derail the wheel of progress of Ndi Anambra, Holy Ghost
So it shall be in Jesus name, Amen.
Hon. Chinedu Nkwonta
State Publicity Secretary, APGA
0909 77 00000