

Open Letter From Mazi Odera To Governor Obiano

Blunt but Truth on Tuesday report card by Mazi Odera
His Excellency the Governor,Anambra state
Duke Willie Obiano
Sir, Today is an advance stage ,a day to be blunt but fair, all in the quest for having a better state ,and also because a stitch in time saves Nine ,therefore I bring to you another Tuesday report Card with a difference .
I am still doing everything possible to salvage our state ,reduce the high cost of governance which you introduced to the state and it is doing us great deal of ills.
My old man will say “Okwu ano aso anya adiro ebi gbo” [issues treated with so much euphemism does not bring swift result] .
The state is in financial mess as it is ,thereby forcing you to accept some of the controversial money ventures that will end up enriching the state guerrillas than the Government, such as the 50% increment on IGR including and not limited to collecting from kiosk operator,Road side Mechanics,Hawkers and Vendors – selling or forcing this artisans to buy or pay for FIRE certificate ,Fire Permit ,Fire extinguisher , Aswama permit ,environmental Certificate ..E.T.C , does it not occur to this your Revenue collecting touts that most of the kiosk operators do not have goods mounting to the sum they wants to extort from them ,imagine each of the over 10 Local Government and state Government agencies strangling them with Receipts of this and that ,which they issue to them by Fire by Force at nothing less than 3,000 Naira each.
Some of the stores cannot boast of 10,000 Naira as business capital , but the collection Agencies will beat them black and blues just to get the money from them ,by doing that they drove many of them out of business and into crime .

I did not add the latest trend on IGR generating ploy which is to chase okada riders unto incoming Traffic, into drainage but certainly unto death , chasing KEKE operators like Robbers ,also Tanker drivers with the utopian policy that provides them to run on air instead of normal roads in the state in other to stop accidents.
Some policies are not made in a haste or heat of the moment ,but we are doing so many of them here in our state and some never saw the light of the day in execution because it was not well thought out before it became a law.
Next is the re-commissioning of projects started and completed by Peter Obi. Seems your team are setting you up for a big fall in next election and you allowed them. Not that next election matters but posterity will be watching and since Peter Obi has set a Standard way higher than what Ngige set ,during the era of Ngige ,he was sighted as a savior and he set a standard that surpass that of Mbadinuju and the state stand still in admiration,then Peter Obi came in with his tiny voice and lot’s of silent action ,even though he met a turbulent atmosphere ,a very hostile house of assembly ,a state in chaos and a state that were described as HOME FOR ALL CRIMINALS .It took him almost 2 years to get little peace of mind and by the time he set out to start working ,there was a bloodless coup which in democracy we call it Impeachment .In essence it took that Dude more than 3 years and 6 months to get some kind of peace and during those days of strife ,he wrote his name on the minds of Ndi Anambra with the things he provided for the state that made people to ask “ifea odi possible na alaigbo ?”[is this achievable in igbo state/Land ?].
Fast Forward he cleaned the state of ruffians,of dogfathers and of ndi isi ekwe onwu and create another history by handing over to his own candidate ,in the history of the state nobody dare second Term in Anambra state because eji sense anyi rua CARTER BRIDGE [our sense is our undoing]. So ,the standard he set In the state before he left is now the parameter to judge you and I can say without fear or favor ,that you left the pursuit of beating his record and allow self to try and destroy his record ,but this is ANAMBRA where an average person cannot be deceived by mere magic,,,,so moving on ..
During election, you will be surprise on how the records of all the projects you painted and commission as your project will be detailed and use against you by opponents.
That reminds me , Nkpor –Amawia road were done 100% by Gov Obi and the running track at ROJENNY STADUIM was the handwork of Peter Obi who gave Chief REMMY EZEONWUKA “ Ogirisi Igbo “ the sum of 60 Million naira in two installments of 30 million Naira each to upgrade the stadium and the racing tracks.
I am sure that before the end of the month they will spot ANAMBRA SECTARIAT ,I observed that there is a little Pot hole near the entrance ,they will patch it up and ask you to commission the Secretariat ,then they will remove the PETER OBI PLAGUE and replace it with WIW. Then they will move on to Prof Kenneth Dike Library ,maybe supply them 3 copies of THINGS FALL APART and some copies of OBI IS A BOY and then it will be considered good for commissioning .Moving on,,,,
Ozo dika nwanne ya bu [The replica of issue in discuss] ,those Shopping malls,Onitsha Hotel and premises ,Ikenga shopping complex which we gave to CARDINAL DEVELOPERS in exchange of MOU ,it is time you recover them .
Since they took over those projects it became moribund and oke na ngwele has taking the place as place of succor .if not that Kidnapping is a phase that has gone with the latest technology from GSM carriers which introduced Technology that can pin point accurate location of any call and even when they power off the phone ,it can still emit signals,that way many of the Nappers were nabbed with help of security agencies.I would,ve said that such Gigantic abandonment would be a place of comfort for such hoodlums .
We expected those places to be in use long before now ,that is if the continuity slogan we used in the election were implemented .I think it is best you retrieve them now before the APC HOT HEADS make mince meat out of it .
Rest I forget ,had we injected some of those funds we wasted on that PILE OF CEMENT along Awka –Enugwu Expressway which we call FRY OVER ,I mean FLY OVER ,if we had injected some of the money into those projects we dashed to CARDINAL DEVELOPERS ,a company that came to the state with nothing but MOU paper and not a penny to back it up. If we have done that ,it would,ve been another project to point at and say –I COMPLETED THAT PROJECT and it might come in handy during the election or will be used in remembering the days of GOV OBIANO.
In Anambra 2017 ,it is useless coming to it with pack of lies ,it’s like iji dotti eje ogu Egbe [it,s like going to Gun battle with Catapult].
Coming back to the discussion at hand ,during election those blunders will be pointed out ,People will remember the debate episode with Ifeanyi Ubah in last election, but i digress.
Sir,i will always tell you a very hard truth ,because i want you to see the path your advisers are pushing you to thread, where it lead to....
Sir,I know Fmr Prez Jonathan were warned ,pleaded like i am doing with you and he felt that he got it because he believe that his Northern paddy men got his back according to the promises they made to him, well by the time he realized it ,it was when he started seeing the prefix “EX PRESIDENT” attached to his name.
Sir, you've done so many ills against Iyom Ekwunife,mostly before election by stopping her from campaigning in the state with some chaff laws that were crafted over night by some minions in Anambra house of Ashamebly, asking ndi Igwe not to give her audience or allow her to campaign in respective towns, making market union leaders not to give her access into markets to address the market population .
Despite all that conspiracy and the character assassination carried against her by LRC [Long Red Cap],she won the election in a land slide.
Since she won the election ,you refused to cut your losses and mend fence with her.
I am sure you still think you can cut her tail ,but as one of those that has the interest of my state at heart, let me tell you same thing i told you about Peter OBI ,Ekwunife is another person you cannot assume you can cage ,if you doubt ask Dr Chris Ngige –Onwa na Idemmili, Dozie Nwankwo ,Sir Victor Umeh ,if she can despite all odds floor all the heavyweights above to become a senator not minding the weight of the state that militated against her ,imagine what she can do when it comes to one opponent at a time oga ata ya ka suya .
Pericoma will say “Nya bu Nwanyi na anyi ajo alu” [She is extremely heavy ,unsinkable and unliftable]
Sir,if you do not reconcile with your Senators[Senator Andy Ubah,Senator Stella Odua and Senator Uche Ekwunife] as they are now serving in Nigerian Senate , especially Senator Uche Iyom Ekwunife ,if you continue giving underground support to forces against her senatorial seat, let me be the first to tell you ,that woman never wanted to go to senate in the first place ,she only wanted to go back to house of representatives but Victor Umeh told her that he,ve giving her ticket to Dozie Nwankwo as Aka na eme Eze ,emenwuro onwe ya Senator[A king maker that did not make self a Senator] .
Victor told her to go and rest ,in response , she looked Victor eye ball to eye ball and made this pronouncement ,” Sir Victor Umeh since it has come to playing god ,since you now decides who goes up or down ,i will relinquish that ticket to the house of Rep and take that which you Victor so much crave, which is to be a senator Representing Anambra Senatorial district“
i do not need to tell you that she delivered her if you give her hard time and she throw in her towel into the Ring to contest against you in next election as the Governor,which I suspect she will do if pushed to the wall ,i will tell you with all honesty that it is only Peter OBI that can beat her in any election in Anambra state , but as it is..,do the maths .While doing the maths ,try and factor in that the remaining 2 Senators [Andy Ubah and Stella Oduah ]you refused to acknowledge are Political Super heavyweights ,they have more than enough clouts ,they are Financial Bazoka and in connections they are more connected than MTN NETWORK ,if you give them reasons to pay back ,they will put resources and weight behind SENATOR IYOM if she wants to draw line on the sand and I will tell you once again ,that dance aburo egwu achi utaba na aka welu agba [you can,t dance that beat with Snuff powder balanced in your palm]
[09:28, 6/16/2015] Mazi Odera APGA Alaigbo: Just know that Ngige will simply bow out if she indicates interest because once beating ,twice bu zi another thing .
I am sure that many of Anambra billionaires will like to back a sure and winning horse,even me will invest on her to circumvent that heart attack, make peace with all the winners so far and if the tribunal find other wise ,you also abide by the rulings that was what made Obi to be a class act ...Obi read hand writings on the wall and he see self as Governor of the state not of some sections and sector ,that was why he is in good with everybody, he respects rules of laws ,that provided him with a cool level playing field but as my Father will say “Uche bu akpa ,onye obuna nya nkeya” [Reasons are like hand Bag ,different design for different folks]
The money wasted on that pile of cement located at Amaobia ,kwata and Aroma all in the name of buying praises is a pure wasted effort ,it doesn't add any value to the state. It will not even add any political value because nobody has ever asked who placed lump of cement on dry land, and this ones are so close to one another that it makes the state look like state of clowns. If you have used fraction of that money and pave roads , put light in that green wood estate ,people would've rushed the place and build it up and people will be referring to it as Obiano estate and it will be a Signature Project, but as it is now, whenever one sees that pile of cement ,they will ask who wasted this money here?
Sir, bitter truth is that during last election APC does not have anything to clog you on the head because you were under the heavy protection of Peter Obi and because he has intimidating profile ,it was so difficult for even the PDP to attack his political son, just remember that the only time he did not stand in the gap for you was during the debate ,then Ifeanyi Ubah the man that rescued the nation from the petroleum scarcity, the man that dared the western conspirators ,the man that used his human heart instead of enlarging his bank accounts, he decided to save the nation from an acute man made Fuel scarcity .Let me not forget that you should try and be smart in politics ,when Ifeanyi Ubah made that sacrifice ,you should,ve cashed into it as a bonafide son of the state ,you should,ve send him thank you note and brandish that deed to the face of the nation ,that way you will buy so many good wills from Federal ,Ifeanyi Ubah and PDP .In politics one has to be watchful like Ronaldo to enable one score hatrick but I digress again.
When he got that singular chance to go one on one with you, he stood in front of national live TV and snatch away that damaging piece of paper . I have not forgiving him for giving me heart attack that night .Thank your Stars that you had the best Media team watching your back during that time ,it was the combine effort of the Media team royal to OKWUTE that made that expose go away.
Imagine, I heard that Mbadinuju is planning on coming back to contest against you in 2017 with high hope ,i am sure this political outing in 2017 will be okanga igba nkea anyi ana.
Finally ,let me grieve a bit about the bowing out of the erudite Gentleman ,the man I prefer to call GENERAL from the North ,the man that is known as class act ,the man with carriage and charisma ,his resignation as the SSG from your Government send another tale about the Government, but that is discussion for another day .
Sir ,Some of your E rats working for the media unit are not helping the already bad situation in the state ,they keep on egging on those warriors that held sway for you when the APC Cyber terrorist were hounding you during last election ,now they christened them ENEMIES of the state and abuse them on hourly basis ,they forgot that no chief kills Dibia na agworo ya ogwu ,maka na ndi na ako ya nsi agwubero [No chief kill his Native or Voodoo Doctor because his enemies are not into extinct ] ,with the irritants that works for your Media team and the provocations they are throwing around ,they are arming your potential political opponents with the cross fire darts that criss cross the Social media.
Most of your Executive Assistants said that all the reconciliatory messages I sent you were a ploy from Okwute to reconcile with you ,but hear me please ,,I am not holding brief for anybody whatsoever ,as for Okwute, my Papa will say “onye utara na achu onye ofe ,oburo onye ofe na achu onye utara”[It,s the man with Fufu that runs after the person with soup ,because the man with soup can do without the Fufu, one must swallow morsel of fufu with soup].
Okwute has been eating before the Diner and he is in the meeting before the meeting ,which means he is the BRIDE with POINTED BREAST and with that I am off but on .
Mazi Odera
Truth is our standard,accept it in good faith or
we shove it down your throat.The Choice is yours.
I am off but on