

Security Expert Petition Anambra Speaker To Retrieve Seized Properties From Governement

A security expert and social critic, Mr Chris Udeze  has appealed to the Anambra Government to assist in retrieving  his properties forcefully and illegally seized by Mr. Azubuike Ekwegbalu a Senior Special Assistant to Governor Willie Obiano on security matters.
The appeal was contained in a petition dated August 5, 2015 signed by the counsel to the petitioner Honourable. S.O Chukwukelu Esq., and addressed to the Speaker, Anambra state house of Assembly, Rt. Honourable. Rita Mmaduagwu, tagged: Unlawful Invasion, Break And Entry And Illegal Carting Away To Unknown Destination Of The Property of Honourable  Chris Okey Udeze M/D EXOTIC Solution Providers Limited BY MR. Azubuike Ekwegbalu, The Special Assistant  To The Executive Governor of Anambra State  On Security Matters.
A copy of the petition was made available to the Anambra Online Publishers in Awka, called foor speedy intervention of the government and concern citizens to assuage the state government to prevail of the later not to drag the positive image governor Willie Obiano is building in the mud.
It alleged that on 4th September, 2014, office of the petitioner. Mr. Chris Okey Udeze the CEO, Exotic Solution Providers Limited, situated at No. 57 Zik’s Avenue Awka, was allegedly invaded and broken into by Mr. Azubuike Ekwegbalu the Special Assistant to the Government of Anambra State with the assistant of his armed thugs and forcefully carted away his office equipment and other essential materials to unknown destination.
It said that the armed men broke and demolished property in the facility, as well as harassed his workers and cart away the properties to an unknown destination till date..
The paper reads: “Consequent upon the occurrence of the above incident, our client immediately met with the Special Adviser to Governor on security on the same day for intervention and ensures that his properties were brought back to him. He toed this approach following the confidence he has that the present responsive and responsible Government of Anambra State headed by our amiable Governor His Excellency Willie Maduaburochukwu Obiano, will, through his office, frown at such arbitrary and reckless action of her agent followed by an order for immediate release of those properties with an unalloyed apology to Mr. Chris Udeze, for the inconveniences and loss of revenue. The failure/inability of the Security Adviser to act appropriately prompted our client to petition the Secretary to the State Government. The petition is attached and marked annexure “A”,” the petition stated.
The letter added: “from 4th day of September 2014 till today being 4th day of August, 2015 is almost one year (11 months) now of his complaint to the office of Special adviser to the Governor on security yet nothing has been heard from him concerning same notwithstanding that the issue at stake borders on our client’s means of livelihood. This is despite the fact that a reminder was sent to the SSG to that effect which was written through our office when no response was received from the first petition yet no reaction. A copy of the reminder cum pre-action notice is attached and marked annexure “B”.
The petition also stated the position of the counsel; ‘’we should put law in motion to challenge the illegality, unlawfulness and unconstitutionality of the action of Mr. Azubuike Ekwegbalu against him in the present circumstance where it seems obvious that his patience is seen as cowardice but for the respect we have for you the Honourable Speaker of the House of Assembly, we then decided to bring this anomalies to your knowledge for assistance..”
‘’In the light of the above-itemized instructions of our client, we therefore want to state categorically that where a Government agent arbitrarily confiscates a citizen’s property in circumstance outside the purview of the law (as in this case) then it is derogatory to due process of law and antithetical to democracy. That will signal a head-on romance with anarchy. This we know very well that this present legislative arm of the Government of Anambra state will never encourage. All hands therefore must be on deck to ensure that this good name which our good Governor and you have built within this your short period of stay in office is not dragged to the mud by some of these unscrupulous agents of the Government.
May we in view of the above, appeal to you to use your good offices to ensure that our client’s properties aforementioned, which were illegally, unlawfully and arbitrarily carted away to unknown destination be returned to him within a reasonable time’’ Chukwukelu Esq appealed .

Reacting to the allegation When contacted via telephone discussion, the senior special assistant to governor Willie Obiano on security matters, Mr. Azubuike Ekwegbalu described the allegations as untrue and expressed disappointment that Mr. Chris Udeze would allow such issue to go public, pointed out that he (petitioner) knew why his properties were seized and frowned at any further action that might emanate from the issue.
He alleged that Mr. Chris Udeze had taken to faking security tickets for traders and transporters and also enmeshed himself in touting and other nefarious activities that the state government felt it could no longer condole his excesses.
His words; ''Chris Udeze, as far as am concern, it's unfortunate that that man does not want to repent from all the illegal things he is being doing in this state.
For the fact that I have a little link with him that is why I decided to keep quiet, this man, I have advised him what to do all this while, but it fell on a deaf  hear''.
He continued: ''Its unfortunate, I have told him time without number, I have told him to go and see the special adviser who is my boss, at the same time he was indicted  and which we want to persecute and jail him, because, he is deceiving and collecting security levy in Anambra state, the receipts are there, he is also issuing fake ID Cards to all the traders in Anambra sate, the evidence is there'.
'When you come to my office, I will show you the receipt he use in giving security levy because its a very serious offense and crime in Anambra state as far a this government is concern .
This is not the first time, he has gone to Nation Newspaper and done many things'.
'We don't fear whatever, once we know we are doing the right thing, but that man does not want to help himself  and he has been into this frivolous system all his life.
He has gone to the SSG, what he is doing is rubbish as far as am concern, and for the fact that he chooses to do it this way, let him continue, by the time he understands what he is doing to himself, he will understand that there are evidences here to jail him.
I am glad you make out time to balance you report without hearing from one side and rush to publish it, it's just because we did not arrest him, that is why he is going about harassing me'.
My brother, if I open up what this man is doing in this state, you will not even like to entertain him when next he comes to lay another frivolous allegation of his''. He explained.
