

Anambra on the Verge of Stable Economic Stance----Experts

Voice to the People project, in collaboration with Anambra state government has engaged all major stakeholders in Anambra state economy on a two day intensive economic summit.

The event which held at Finotel Hotel, Awka on January, 27/28 featured well researched paper presentations aided by power point presentations. While Dr Chukwuma Agu laid out a blue print on the why's and how's of firming the economic foundation for a more prosperous Anambra state;

Professor Nkamnebe represented by Dr. Titus Okeke from Department of Marketing, UNIZIK, Awka, spoke on Trade and Commerce - Informal markets: Growth and Challenges in Anambra state; Sunny Nwachukwu addressed the Opportunities and challenges of Medium, Small Scale Enterprises; Professor Nwadialor E O, the chairman of Awka and District Society Chartered Institute of Taxation, proposed ways IGR can be improved while discussing their peculiar problems. Mr Oguebue P, ADP programme manager discussed Poverty Reduction and Food Security through agriculture in Anambra state and Ibekilo Bruno, from Odumegwu Ojukwu University spoke on the problems, prospects, and proposals in e-commerce and Knowledge-based economy and economic growth of the state.
After several panel sessions, the attendees made up of representatives from Civil Rights Concerns, Awka Chamber of Commerce, Nigerian Union of Teachers, NUT, ASATU, Ministry of Public Utility, Ministry of Industry, Organisation of African Instituted Churches, Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy matters, Post Primary School Commission, PPSC, Ministry of Water Resources, e.t.c, a communique was developed from the suggestions made by the groups intended to be forwarded to the Anambra state government for implementation.
One of the organisers of the event, Mr Onyeka of the Civil Rights Concern, while interacting with the press, disclosed that the economic summit was designed to address the issues that would help consolidate the economic stance of the state, especially now there is economic crisis in the globe. He expressed his confidence in the present government's resolve to entertain and implement whatever good suggestions made during the program.

Another participant, Dr Uju Ezenekwe of Economics Department, UNIZIK expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of the event. In her words, "I'm glad people are beginning to think seriously in the direction of economic paradigm shift. Though I wish the governor and commissioners were here in person to be directly involved with these deliberations, i believe the lofty ideas and suggestions raised here should get to them and get implemented.
It should be noted that Voice to the people project is a programme that supports vulnerable communities in Nigeria to hold state and local government and their leaders to account. The seven partners working on V2P are Christian Aid, Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development, Development in Practice, Civil Rights Concern, The Justice, Development and Peace Commission, JDPC, Onitsha, JDPC, Awka and JDPC, Nnewi.