


                                                          Hon. Chinedu Nkwonta
The recent judgement procured by some elements in the dying  political party, the PDP came to me as a joke.
First of all, their action was predictable, most of us have been expectant of some actions from them, what we were not sure has been exactly from what angle. We have been certain it can only be a court verdict procured by the highest bidder.

Sometimes greed and wickedness blind the mindset of anyone determined to become an obstacle for another, as far as I am concerned, delay is not denial.
I have said it so many times and I want to say it again, would it not really be nice if everyone that deems him or herself fit is allowed to run in this Senatorial election, it will be nice to settle the scores once and for all.
We are not strangers in this game and we know ourselves, we know where every strength lies.
As far as going to the Senate to represent the great people of Anambra Central is the crunch of the matter, a decision has been taken long time ago by Ndigbo.
I keep reminding anyone that bothers to observe or listen, God is APGAN. If God was not the foundation of this over stressed, over abused, over used and over under rated political party, we would have been long DEAD. Check out all conspiracies against this God's political party, they have consistently failed, it is so because God knows the handicap that the Igbo nation has, God knows that our emancipation as a people, our collective freedom in a very antagonistic environment like Nigeria can only come through our own political front, that political party is called APGA.
Let us not make any mistake about this, postpone this election till the end of the year, APGA will win it, landslide.
There are so many reasons why APGA will win. We have the most qualified candidate that is guaranteed to get to the red chambers and speak for Ndigbo. An unavoidable voice that will speak reason to all Nigerians, a voice that will not only speak for Ndigbo but also support any progress move for any tribe in this nation, a voice that shall protect the government and Governor of Anambra State by supporting all State Government positions, defend same and help in resolving any conflict that affects Anambra State from the centre thereby easing the burden on the shoulders of the performing Governor of Anambra State. We are sending a voice that shall work in unison with all our brothers and sisters that are from Anambra and other States in the South East and beyond in the Red and Green Chambers by bringing them together to harness our collective talents and support individual abilities.
Ohamadike, Chief Sir Victor Umeh will not play politics as usual, he will change the rhythm and the tempo, he will detribalise the houses and make Nigerians realise that our destinies are tied together and that we MUST carry each other along for Nigeria to succeed.

It does not matter how long the devil wants to hold Nigeria down, the power of God is unquestionably greater than anything that devil throws at us, blackmail, intimidation, harassment and other negative acts will not sink this ship, not in a million years, because the grace of God is upon APGA.
Let PDP and their cohorts do their worse, so far there is life, the project of the liberation of Nigeria from the political bondage that we find ourselves due to the nefarious and ungodly acts of the ungodly, we in the APGA family shall always overcome.
We are chilling and expectant, PDP has done it's worse, it cannot do more, oji ife nwata wenie aka enu, aka gbube ya mgbu, owetue aka, nwata ewelukwa ifeya, this Igbo adage is the true situation of things.

Ohamadike Ndigbo, Chief Sir. Victor Umeh, get ready to serve your people, the time is ripe and it is now.

In APGA  I believe, so it is with my brothers and sisters, Ndigbo.

I thank you all.
