

Does Governor Obiano Deserve A Second Term Of Office -Ifeanyi Uba's Aide

                                                          By Ikechukwu Emeka Onyia.

I keep asking myself this question. I look at our past experience as a sub-national entity , I consider our current position and future using today Anambra under Gov Obiano as a yardstick and the question keeps coming : "does Obiano deserve a second term and support from people" ?
     Today, no matter how you love the personality of Gov Obiano ,Anambra state is in danger .
Danger due to poor policies and the inability of the governor to take Policy precautions in order to save our state from this danger which we are already into.
Our future as a people is endangered because we are yet to consider the implications of our today's gallery playing instead of going for Precautionary Public Policies Initiation (PPPI) as against State's Reactionary Propagandism Behaviour .

**WARNING failed to take note of :
I could remember warning about what we are into now then, but government never cared to listen .
When I hear people say that our state is suffering due to drop in oil revenue , I laugh and beg to disagree ! We are suffering because government could not read future and work out policies to protect it. I warned about this .
Anambra under My Governor is under economic "omajijiji" due to insensitivity of Gov Obiano. Some of us warned against the today's happenings, but were called names.
***Debt crisis of various states:
While every other state governor in Nigeria were crying that the former governor of their state left their state in dangerous debt ,Gov Obiano is the only state governor in the entire country that was left without debt .
Rather ,he has #75billion in  cash and investments bequeathed him by his predecessor !
So Anambra State already has shock absolver against drop in Oil revenue .So we don't even need excuse .
*** Growth in Unemployment :
I watch continued increase in Youth unemployment in the state and I watch my government play to the gallery as if nothing is happening!
I saw a government that could not see connection between employment generation and fiscal policy of the state. Pushing the rate of taxation up while businesses keep shrinking and people keep losing their jobs isn't a better way to jump start the economy of the state !
I saw a government shutting down job creating platforms through tax increases. It is Poor Fiscal Policy Behaviours(PFPB) for a state that is already facing employment crisis to increase rate of tax on individual and businesses!!
It amount to laziness on those entrusted with policy initiation for then not to research and monitor Job drop as relationship to their fiscal policies !
I have written before, you don't increase taxes when business is in downward spring !!!
You support such businesses through Fiscal policy or Business Friendly Tax Regime (BFTR) !
When unemployment gets to a boiling point , it leads to social unrest which can unsettle any government! Are we not thinking here ?
*** Do this govt understand the problems of this state ?
I saw a government that is still yet to understand the problem of Anambra and come up with priority policies that will answer to our policy questions .
After under studying public policies and other public policy behaviours of Obiano led Government as the state goes for election next year, I ask :
"does Gov Obiano deserve second tenure?
I wish I can take this sector by sector here , but it is better I do follow ups on sector by sector in my subsequent writings .
*** When founded CORRECTION2017  early last year, it was because I want to see new order in my state.
When , my boss Dr Ifeanyi Ubah intervened that some of us should focus on his activities and leave Gov Obiano alone , I went for research leave .
I took time to follow the govt policies and I wish to say that things keeps getting bad or even worst !
Ordinarily, this should not have been written because of the position of my boss , but then sometimes, we consider the interest of the state bigger .
Considering even the sports , has Governor Obiano even said congratulations to Dr Ifeanyi Ubah led FA board of Anambra State after their elections ? No !
At least as a Senior Special Assistant to Dr Ubah on Media , I ought to know if he has. It again boils down to some of the things I said above .
If he is sensitive of Job creation beyond gallery playing. Has Anambra state government  under my governor (Obiano) see reason to go for the partnership with Football Association board of Anambra as headed by Dr Ubah knowing the capacity of that sector on job creation?
I do not mind losing my job after this publication , but I have done my conscience and my state a great Job by writing this .
History will take note, Posterity will remember .
How I wish this Governor Obiano will wake up with right policy behaviours .
How I wish more youths will see that what we need is not 'Job giving ' but 'Job Creation' .
When a government that is meant to create Job embarks on Job giving instead of Job Creation, merit will be killed for what Prof Okoli  called "doctrine of Onye Ma Mmadu " .
I therefore call for a new thinking that will redirect the ship .
If you ask me , Dr Ifeanyi Ubah should reconsider his earlier statement that he will support Gov Obiano's second term for he does not deserve the support !
Anambra State needs new thinking that will create hope and avoid our state going from already the manifest recession to depression.
Dr Ifeanyi Ubah , end this marriage now ! You have the ideas needed for new order .
You have the ability to create result .
To Dr Ifeanyi Ubah:
I watched 2013 Anambra State  Governorship debate both in the one that took place in Awka and USA , even when I was not supporting you then ,but could not disagree with your submissions .
You presented the best manifesto during the governorship debate and you defended it better than any other candidate then .
In a time like this , our society look for persons with your type vision and passion for result! A Pragmatic Developmental Realist (PDR) !
Does Obiano deserves second tenure ?
When some of us call for  #Correction2017  ,it is beyond Political party , religious or geographical .
It should be a quest by the Great People Created by a Great God to see that a Great State of Anambra dont go down !
God Bless Anambra State !
Ikechukwu Emeka Onyia©2016
Nnewi,Anambra State