

WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY AFTERMATHS ...Group bemoans parallel celebration

uring a recent press conference to reflect on the aftermaths of the June 19th World Sickle Cell Day celebration, the National Coordinator of  Association of People Living with Sickle Cell Disorder, APLSCD, Aisha Maureen Edward decried what she described as betrayal and a show of dubious ulterior motive, the parallel event to mark the World Sickle Cell Day celebration by Dr. Joe Akabuike, the ANAMBRA state Commissioner for Health on July, 29, after ignoring the formal invitation sent by APLSCD to his office.
Aisha alleged that the dubious intent behind the parallel celebration as organized by the commissioner for health was to create a charade behind which they would embezzle the money the state government had mapped out for the World Sickle Cell Day celebration, which she said would have been employed in the three day celebration of the World Sickle Cell day.
She also highlighted that earlier on, the commissioner had been part of the vision of the Association, until he started exhibiting certain selfish tendencies while collaborating with one Mr Mokebe who has been severally alleged of exploiting sickle cell patients. This, she said, was contrary to his earlier promise that his commission would support the association.
On the other hand, the APLSCD coordinator reflected that unlike the parallel event organized by the Commissioner for Health and Mr Mokebe, which she heard from the grapevine, was a total flop as was allegedly confessed by the commissioner, the World Sickle Cell day celebration, which held for three days, with the commissioning of the Engr. Arthur Eze Sickle Cell Clinic, Ukpo, the launching of a sickle cell sensitization booklet, culminating in a thanksgiving service on the last day, was a resounding success.
Maureen observed that the problem of the Nigerian society is the phenomenon whereby individuals are more powerful than institutions, while applauding the church as one institution that still lives above such syndrome. "This is why we have continued to liaise with the church in all our activities", she rationalized. 
Aisha therefore called on EFCC and other security agencies to interrogate Dr. Joe Akabuike on why he held a parallel program instead of cueing into that which he had hitherto identified with and which had gone through all the registration processes both with the government and the Corporate Affairs Commission.
Aisha used the same medium to share that APLSCD do not pay any due, outside condolence dues and for their identification cards which bears, amongst other things, the name and number of specialist doctors close to wherever they reside. She also disclosed that more than 300 persons have had their school fees paid, while over a hundred patients empowered in their business. Also, the association takes care of the medical bills of her members at the Specialist Clinic donated by Prince Arthur Eze.
Also present during the press conference was a certain Steven Enemuo who, evidenced by some identification cards, said he had a sickle cell patient child and narrated how he got involved with one association, Sickle Cell Carers Association of ANAMBRA state headed by one Dr Mrs Umerah Okeke, and sharing folic acid to them after every meeting. According to him that after collecting money from them, suddenly closed shop without warning. 
Steven also appreciated the pervasive effect of APLSCD on sickle cell patients which covers both welfare packages, empowerment packages and medical aid.

Mr Enemuo said, " I pray God to continue to sustain this association as the other associations we had identified with had failed us."