

I’m used to negative comments –Halima Abubakar

Like her or hate her, Nollywood   actress, Halima Abubakar doesn’t care about the negative criticism that usually follows her comments and posts on the social media as she told Saturday Beats in a recent chat.
Few days ago, she generated a heated debate on her Instagram page when she posted, “Can’t wait to disvirgin (sic) and have children. Please don’t preach on this post, the world have heard enough quote. Sinners will disagree.”
This comment sparked a lot of reactions from her fans, many of whom did not believe the actress could still be a virgin. In a chat with Saturday Beats, the actress refused to comment on the post, saying she had got used to the negative comments that usually follow her posts.

She said, “People always comment on most of my posts. You know Nigerians like to criticise whether they understand the language or not. I just want to believe that they just want to talk. I don’t want to talk about my post where I said that I was a virgin and couldn’t wait to have children. I posted what I wanted and that was it. I have been getting negative comments from people for over 13 years; I think my body is used to it by now.   Negative comments do not move me at all and I do not even have emotional feelings towards such. I do not like talking about my love life because of the way the media twists words. When the time comes, people would know about my love life. However, no matter how tight my schedule is, I always make sure I enter the kitchen daily because I love fresh food. I find time to cook.”
While talking about her career, the actress told Saturday Beats that her dream role in a movie is to play the part of a cripple.

“I love all challenging movies and I accept any kind of roles. If I am not comfortable with anyone, I will not accept it. I will not be involved in soft porn or any movie that involves me removing my clothes on camera. I look forward to playing the part of a cripple; I am looking forward to such a role. I would also love to be involved in a movie that would make me swim for at least an hour; probably a movie shot in the ocean. I love inspirational and uplifting roles.”

Halima said she was not ready to quit acting yet.

“I hardly have time for myself because I am always involved in one movie project or the other. I have to keep working because there is no time to sleep or rest anymore. I will rest when I have made enough money. I need good movies as well as the remuneration that comes with them. I will know that I have enough when my bank account can no longer contain any more money.”