


The recent prediction of impending floods in different parts of the country by Nigeria Meteorological Agency NIMET and Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) has continued to engage the attention of relevant stakeholders especially after the 2012 flood disaster which left scores dead and thousands homeless in many parts of the country.
 Already, the rains have started; states are carrying out enlightenment campaigns among other measures to prepare their citizens ahead of possible disaster by providing them with early warning information to guard them against been taken unaware in event of uncertainty
Anambra state government in its zeal to tackle the situation has set up sensitization team with 28 internal displaced persons camps IDPs across the 10 local government areas which are prone to flooding as part of the preventive measures to checkmate possible damages in the course of the flooding.

While evaluating the flood situation from 2012 that has ravaged most communities in the coastal and riverine areas under the threat of recurrent coastal flooding and salt water intrusion, the zonal coordinator of NEMA and the state counterpart stressed the need for the people to be prepared, adding that the largest trans-boundary rivers like Rivers Niger and Benue contribute to flood being experienced in some parts of the country.
Noted with fact that though it is in their view that such preventive measures should be ascertained, which is why they engage in the construction of IDP camps for people who might be affected, charged them to be proactive and keep a healthy environment of prompt clearing of water channels.
Residents however lauded the government initiative to come out on time to address the flood issues which ravaged their crops and properties but urged them to ensure their promises are matched with action.

General knowledge has it that “ a stitch in time saves nine” which should be the guiding principle for both the  government and the people so that sordid experience of 2012 destructive flooding should  not repeat itself in our national psyche especially in the face of the present economic reality.