


Council of traditional rulers in Anambra state has charged government to see diversification of the Nigeria economy from its mono-cultural produce, as the solution to sustainable socio-economic stability for the country.
They blame the poor state of the economy on neglect by successive administrations and over dependence on oil produce as the main stay of the country’s economy, leaving other sources untapped.
The monarchs made this resolution in a 10 point communiqué, made available to newsmen in Awka, which marked the end of 2016 Anambra state council of tradition rulers seminar tagged: Diversion of The Nigeria Economy, A sine Que Non For Sustainable socio-economic stability and growth.

Presenting his paper, the chairman, Anambra state traditional rulers and the traditional of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Achebe, stressed the need for government of all tiers to invest more in the Agribusiness, power supply, science and technical education, being the veritable instruments that would restore the lost value of the country’s economy among comity of states.
He charged them to recognize the traditional institution as the forth tier of government, being the closest administrator of governance to the grassroots, stating that effective security of the locality, mobilization for enlightenment, empowerment, peace building and custodian of the leadership in advancing the nation culture and tradition, which the traditional institutions represent, should be appropriately reflected in the Nigerian constitution.
The monarchs however stressed the need that the traditional institutions should be recognised as the chief security officers of their localities.
Earlier in an address, the governor of Anambra state, Willie Obiano, represented by his deputy, Nkem Okeke, charged the traditional rulers to spearhead the diversification exercise of the Nigeria economy by encouraging their subjects to invest more in agriculture and other manufacturing ventures, adding that self sufficiency among the people would lead to exportation and increase in the country’s gross domestic products. (GDP)
Top of the issues resolved in the communiqués were commendation on the state government for the earmarked N20 million funds for the 179 communities in the state, to develop their localities, abrogation of igweship stool outside igboland and endorsement of Governor Willie Obiano second term bid by the Anambra state council of traditional rulers.