

Youths Advocate For Construtive Use of Internet As Medium For Research and Societal Development

Nigerian government have been enjoined to use the innovative prowess of the internet to constructively engage the youths as an aggressive medium of employment that would take them away from the known social vices.

They challenged government of all tiers in the country to provide modern facilities that would encourage constructive use of the internet with pseudo regulatory framework to guide their online activities.
This was contained in the resolution reached at the just concluded Anambra youths forum workshop set up to launch the re-election bid for Governor Wilie Obiano through social media in Awka.
Youths are globally regarded as the productive force of any nation, while constructive engagement of the younger generation on the use of Internet has been described as gold mine that would drastically reduce terrorism, restiveness, and other social vices in the country.
Government and private individuals have however been challenged to utilize the importance of the internet as nascent medium of engagement that would sharpe the future leader aright.
They revealed that the country can comfortably provide 20 million jobs for its youths in one year with the maximum use of the internet as well as serving as a medium innovative network for research and technology transfer for human and natural resources development.
The youths stressed the importance of the use of social media against it negative application, they called on their fellow youths not to be used as instrument of rascality in the hands of some politicians, to what is now known as e-rats.
The event was said to kick start the advocacy and would serve as the medium to engage ten thousand youths every month on the technological know-how of the positive use of the internet and benefits inherent in social media for the development of their environment .
