

Transparency and openness in government is a prerequisite for citizens’ ability to hold accountable the government and the public administrations as well as for the public sector itself to monitor and audit its activities.

OSELOKA HENRY OBAZE has a long-lasting tradition of promoting and upholding a high degree of transparency, and creates more new opportunities for providing access to information and insight.

A number of transparency initiatives will provide greater insight into the management of monthly allocation ,foreign aid, Anambra IGR, government policies implementation, and public sector harmonization .

Transparency remains an important prerequisite and well -consolidated  infrastructure in the governance of the state .

A more judicious, consistent and systematic use of the state's resources should be encouraged .

The economic situation in Anambra State requires efficient solutions.

 Technocracy plays a key role and at this point. It is essential to leverage our shared solutions fully to follow-up and make visible progress by voting in OSELOKA OBAZE .



Rx Nwaneki Nonso Benedict


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