Yesterday, APGA led by Victor Ike Oye endorsed Obiano as their sole candidate for November 18 election.
Barely 24 hours of their endorsement, Elo Afoka wrote a public letter insisting that he is still in the race under APGA platform.
Does it mean APGA won't give Afoka chance to contest against Obiano for the party's ticket?
The same way some of you are shouting APGA bu nke anyi and abusing contrary opinions was the same way Elo Afoka was claiming that APGA bu nke anyi and asking people to stone those against APGA.
Today, he is being denied the party platform to taste his popularity and actualize his political ambition under APGA.
Don't wait until you are treated like Dr Elo Afoka.
Think Correction 2017, Join Correction 2017.
While Elo was in Nnewi yesterday seeking endorsement, his party was in APGA endorsing Obiano.
Below is the letter of intent by Elo Afoka.

My good people, after a thoughtful consideration I choose this time to inform you of my intention to be the next Governor of Anambra state come 2018.This is in due of what is common place in our state today: That the present Government have derailed like rudderless ship and is now moving our state inexorably unto destruction.
Ndi Anambra, there is now a clear shift from what we promised you in 2013 and what we have done for you. That's why is important I make my stand unequivocally known.
In the past, as a people in government, our party APGA had worked very hard to revive Anambra State from a state of political crisis and fiscal crisis. With prudence and excellent political judgments our government and the party leadership able to get Anambra away from the woods. But today Anambra has joined the class of states borrowing for no good reason. Obiano administration has deviated very sadly from the vision of our party's founding fathers.
Obiano's administration has unashamedly reinvented nepotism and clannishness in our political consciousness, a dangerous value that has capacity to return Anambra into Hobbesian state of nature where brutality, nasty nature of man had been returned completely. There are now rumours of threats of assassination of this man and that man. Besides, nepotism and clannishness are impeachable offences as it is contrary to our party constitution and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Obiano's administration has exalted self-indulgence, a recipe to total eclipse of the residue of Igbo values. In his book, "The Clash of Civilizations & The Making of New World Order", American Doctor Samuel Huntington listed self-indulgence as one of the major indexes of collapsing civilizations. Self-indulgence, allowing your self enjoy what you don't need. Huntington listed them as: Gay, Lesbianism, Drunkenness, undue rights to children in relation to Parents, wastefulness etc. The rumor of our Governor drinking drunk is rife. The picture of Governor drinking like a street boy is everywhere in the social media. The Miss Anambra Chidimma is a product of this Government. In the so-called mass burial of the Civil War biafrans, one flavour was invited to sing Ukwu Sara mbara" and the Governor of Anambra State & wife were seen dancing as if in clubbing hall where revelling reigns.
Obiano's administration is extremely wasteful. It is a regime, good at organizing one irrelevant carnival or the other even in the face of terrible recession. Undue multiplication of political position just for the sake of apportioning appointments to his towns men and near-aliens who where imported from United Kingdom & United States. The only thing they understand is money, women and yeomen.
Obiano's administration has first class in importation of near-aliens from Europe & America to serve in the government creating unnecessary strife and animosity both within our great party and the state. Worst still some of these men are taxi drivers and hotel waiters who have no
expertise value in any needed area. Virtually all of them are ignorant of the feelings of the people.
Obiano' administration is embarrassingly politically naive. And this perhaps is responsible for wholesome collapse of government in Anambra. He has created unnecessary strife within our only political heritage by putting misfits in sensitive positions of the party thereby breeding mediocrity and consequent near collapse of the party structure. He now moves around like a 6th century monarch who has no connection to the feelings of the people and only to be seen rarely with a retinue of guards.This is a mockery of a people who have been both multiply taxed and overtaxed.
Obiano's experience has shown a hundred percent justification of the call for the domestication of APGA. Importation of so-called world class people can no longer stand. APGA should now look inward and no longer outside. That bemused mentality has expired.
Obiano's administration has trumpeted an economic blueprint that has no consequential outcome on people's life. Good as his four pillars of Trade and commerce, Agriculture, Oil and Gas and Industrialization may look with the attendant enablers, Obiano lacks the political sagacity & will to move them beyond papers. He lacks the substructure, he can do little or nothing on the superstructure of economy.
The collapse of the Nigeria economy is not as a result of the kind of economic blueprint we run but a failure of political leadership. It is now clear, contrary to Karl Max Theory, that political values are the driver's of all systems within any state or nation.
Having thoughtfully considered all these and having worked for APGA for fourteen years, and having prayed very fervently to the Godhead the sole owner of all mortals, I have written to our party APGA informing them of my intention to run for Governorship this year. In answer to my prayers, my people, The Lord of all the earth, the sole owner of the seats of Kings anointed me as He did to David and has instructed me to contest with Saul. That He shall give me victory against Goliath. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ said "you are the answer of the long prayers of your party faithfuls". ”You are the fulfilment of the vision of the founding fathers of your party”. Go & win the ticket of APGA from Saul and win the election proper. Against this background, my people, I wish to inform you that I will run for the position of Governor of Anambra state under APGA come 2017. Our target is not long stories. We shall fight to breach the gap between the poor and the rich. All my strength shall be channeled towards enabling people put food on their table, making sure people have something in their pocket for daily living. The building of roads shall never be a campaign thing for us again. Any people that have justifiable need for road shall have it. I will dissolve the joint local government account with State. Close down JAAC office & conduct local government election. In the fullness of time, our socioeconomic blueprint will made available to all.
The young people are reminded that this is their project. It is their life, hope and future not only in Anambra but Nigeria and black Africa in that my candidacy & victory will encourage youth participation in politics as I am 35 years plus. 25 to 40 years is the thinking age. I assure the young and the disadvantaged of our state that I will fight their fight, die their death. I will accept poverty to make many millionaires & billionaires. Ignore those telling you it is their turn. It is nobody's turn. When the white people came to black Africa, they told our fathers while pillaging Africa resources that they should build their treasures in heaven where no moths will touch or steal them. That's similar when somebody says is their turn opening rooms for mediocrity. We have seen that this argument holds no water. There shall be no more governor by Serendipity. We shall build APGA from bottom up. Zoning in Anambra is pure gibberish. We shall revive small scale businesses stifled by multiple taxation and overtaxation. We shall make education free from primary to tertiary level. Under our watch, unarmed protesters shall not be killed in the name of hoodlums
Be assured that I will investigate Obiano's regime
I will return the state to the people. Thank you and God bless.
Dr Elo Afoka (Dip., BA, MA, PhD, MNPA)