

Anambra: In The Spirit of Gratitude, Gov Obiano, Ekenem.

By Ogbuefi Comr Harris Chuma

The government of Anambra state led by His Excellency, Chief Dr. Willie Obiano has done well with the sustained empowerment of the law enforcement agencies in the state so that they will have the means to wage relentless war against criminals in the state.

I sincerely wish to call on the good people of Anambra to continue with the celebration of the uncommon feat our able governor has achieved in the areas of security. My sincere advise to the  opposition elements in the state is that they should restrain from playing dirty politics with issues that affect our lives. When you fail to appreciate good deeds, what else do you crave for? What else do you hope for? What is your grouse? What do you want ndi Anambra to do, clap for your morbid criticism, celebrate your misrepresentation of issues? Applaud your media attacks on the personality of the governor, reigning insults on his wife, abusing his nativity, and prying into his domestic life? No, it's not how best to play

opposition politics. It's not by 'iko onu'. I enjoin you to play by the rules of engagement, always ensure that issues are flogged, not trivialities. Verify before you publish any information at your disposal, don't malign, defame, deride your leaders, unjustly. Stop celebrating fallacy, and be not blind to good deeds.

Ndi Anambra let's rise in unison, voice out without sentiments, speak on good deeds we have witnessed since the inception of Willie Obiano's administration, be proud to express our hardworking governor's profound achievements. Remember, it is never a mark of cowardice to show some appreciations. Gratitude is the attitude of God. Ingratitude is bad attitude. Be grateful, have an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful,  even when you are being brainwashed by the opposition agents, not to mention the good sides, be brave enough to mention it. Say thank you governor on this one, and things will begin to naturally happen, say thank you for the magic reference in our lives. More favors flow into our lives when we appreciate kind gestures, no matter how little. Have an attitude of gratitude where ever you go, open yourself up, learn to say thank you.

You must not be on the  government's payroll to appreciate good works, and monumental achievements of the governor. Truth be told, the writer has never earned a dime from the governor, but remains grateful and expresses gratitude on every recognisable good works in the state. Demanding for political settlements or insisting on making  government appointee's list before expressing how the government of the day have garnered several accolades in governance is unpatriotic. The Bible encourages us to be gratitude to one another, not just to God. Thank one another, let's live the life of gratitude.

Graciously, I wish to commend the successful launching of the 'Operation kpochapu part 2, and government's renewed onslaught against crime and criminality in the state. Special thanks goes to the  police and other security agencies in the state for their commitment to fighting crimes. We are aware  that the vehicles donated by the state government are designated to help the law enforcement agents to curb crime in the state. Unarguably, Willie Obiano's administration has done well in waging war against crime.

The investment in security does not finish. The criminals are daily devising new strategies and plotting new ways to achieve their aim. Government must be ahead of them; must overtake them and bring them to justice. Crime is a global phenomenon which has no boundaries. If there is crime anywhere in Anambra, it affects other parts of the country as well. So it is in government's enlightened interest  to fight crime.

The governments must always strive to be ahead of criminals in terms of proactive planning to curtail their activities. I hereby beckon on our sister states Delta, Imo, Abia, Enugu, Ebonyi to run as fast as their legs could carry them to Agu Awka, and photocopy Gov Obiano's well tailored scripts on crime watch and bursting, it is working here and can work elsewhere.

Akpokuedike Aguleri, thank you for the great works you are doing in our state, especially, on security, agriculture, and infrastructural development. If you had not created the safe grounds, many of us in diaspora would not have come home to help grow our darling Anambra. You have caused many of our people residing and working outside the state to be  proud of Anambra again, and really, I want to say..... I'm grateful. Thank you Sir!

Congratulations to the Executive Governor of Anambra State on the prestigious award of excellence on security matters which was conferred on him recently, by the Nigeria Inspector General Of Police, IGP Mohammed Abubakar Adamu. You deserved even more than a kiss from the Firstlady.
