

Rotary Club of Awka Urban, District 9142, Nigeria Embarks On Girl Child Empowerment, Basic Education


....Awards Full Scholarship to Girls' Secondary School, Awka, 

  By Mmaduabuchi Onwumelu

The Rotary Club of Awka Urban, District 9142, Nigeria, led by her Charter President, Rtn. (Dr.) Nneka Ogochukwu Ilochi PHF recently embarked on a Girl Child Empowerment cum Basic Education and Literacy project.

 According to her they were out to get a very intelligent young girl out of Child Labour which she said exposed children to physical, psychological or sexual abuse.

 'The Empowering of Girls Initiative is one of three Presidential Initiative for Rotary Year 2021-2022.

  'In prioritising projects that improve the health, well-being, education and economic security of girls in their communities and around the world, we took a strong commitment to assist this poor family (The Ugwuodos') by taking their daughter off the hazardous terrain which she is constantly been exposed to and back to school (Secondary Education). 

  'The club has given her a full scholarship for six (6) years of study at Girls' Secondary School, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. The scholarship covers her tuition fees, uniforms, writing materials and recommended  textbooks for the entire duration of her study. 

  'To mark this epoch-making event were the Principal, Lady Wini Ibezim, Mr & Mrs Ugwuodo, the parents of Miss Oluchukwu Clementina Ugwuodo and some teaching and non-teaching staff of the school. 

   'This is an on-going project which has started with the first term this September, 2021 and will culminate after she sits for the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination, as well as the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), respectively in 2026. 

Rotary is Good!,' she said. 

"To these children in Ajegunle, Lagos State a library is more than just a place to read, it is a learning center where education inequality gap is bridged. A place where the love for reading is restored. A place where children can find themselves and make reference to as instrumental to their becoming. A place where community culture is reshaped". - Grace Chi Nkwocha.

  'The Rotary Club of Awka Urban in Collaboration with Transforming Ajegunle Projects Group in this month of Basic Education and Literacy, have donated some materials to enable these children feel at home at the library and engage in more meaningful activities.

'We hope that these donations will help make every library experience memorable, sustain their interest and help them develop focus, discipline and critical thinking,' she concluded. 
























