

Soludo's victory is a victory for the liberation of APGA.


Chinedu Ofomata


Ndi APGA and Ndi Anambra are not just celebrating Soludo's victory, but they are celebrating the beginning of the end to impunity, gossip, frivolities and injustice in the state affairs and in the party,  APGA.

Ndi APGA are very happy that a situation where a semi-literate person will sit down in a hotel room and write down the list of all party excos from ward level to state, and also determines who becomes a transition chairman and councillor will now be a thing of the past because we all know that the incoming Governor will not thread that part. He is known to a man of integrity, excellence and he is performance- driven, which is evident in all the positions he has occupied in the past. 

There will be no more fear in speaking out against the impunity that has pervaded the management of party affairs by party exco members and APGA members in general. Ndi APGA must face reality.

The name Soludo is essentially responsible for the landslide victory. So this is the time to begin a complete overhaul in governance style and the  management of APGA which should be anchored on fairness,equity,quality,performance and most importantly justice. 

There is rumour everywhere that most or all of the very senior government appointees are lobbying and pestering the out-going government to plead with the incoming Governor to allow them continue for another 2 years. If this rumour is true then this people don't wish Soludo well because these are the  people that have been there for 6 to 8yrs. They should realise that Akpokuedike has been very generous with all of them because if you look at other states its a different ball game. The bonanza has come to an end and Soludo should be allowed to bring fresh ideas and fresh people into his government.  It is also even rumoured that some very senior personal aides to Akpokuedike are also part of the intense lobbying to allow them continue. 

Ndi Apga and Ndi Anambra are patiently watching and waiting, but have implicit confidence in Soludo that he will do the right thing. 

Long live APGA and long live Anambra state.
