


Kilba people are predominantly found in Hong Local  Government Area of Adamawa State. They occupy the hill country bordered by the Mubi hills to the East, Holma and Zumo mountains to the South, Hawul river to the North and Gombi Hills to the West. 

A German source seized by the Soviet Army on 8th May, 1945 from the Berlin Museum gave it that the Kilba people were in their present habitat since 8th Century AD. These early inhabitants lived in clan-based mountain communities.


Up to circa mid 14th Century, there was no central authority which united the various mountain communities together until when they received some immigrants from Mandara whom entered Kilba land via Biu (Y. Urvay, Histoire de L'Empire Du Bornou, Paris 1040).

Furkudil founded the present dynasty about 1356 AD and made Hong the Headquarters of Kilba Chiefdom and also take the title of Tul-Khoba or Chief of Kilba. Furkudil gradually extended his control over the mountain communities through gradual conquest and centralized his control at Hong. Such expansion extended over the Marghi groups of Dille and Gulak to the North and Kwajafa to the West while the Southern and Eastern limits bordered Zumo and Muviya respectively (Sa'ad Abubakar. The Lamibe of Fobine: A political history of Adamawa 1809-1901, P. 16).

The Kilba Chiefdom remained a complete and an independent sovereign entity until the coming of the British but maintained their independence from the Fulani Jihadists (A. H. M Kirk-Green, the Kingdom of Sukur, a Northern Nigerian Ichabad, Vol XV, NO2 April 1966. Page 68-70).

Having consolidated his position, Furkudil devised an elaborate administrative structure at Hong which includes territorial and central administration. The territories or various clan-based mountain communities were administered by Royal Princes or Yirma and sent out as Shalls (Governors)  to oversee those areas (nothing like District Heads). 

Dr Henry Barth, a German traveler appeared to have been impressed with this set up and described KILBA as "well organized pagan kingdom second to none in Western Sudan and resembles that of Ancient Egypt or Modern Europe. The kingdom was divided into a number of units to which members of the Royal family were sent out to be the Governors and every month they sent reports to YADUMA (Prime Minister) at Hong who presented such reports to the King for final decision". 

The Central Administration was made up of the following officials called GUNDIRI who constituted the King-makers council thus;

1. Yaduma   - the Prime Minister 

2. Bira'ol      - Assistant Prime Minister 

3. Dzarma   - Takes charge of Royal stable 

4. Midala     - Defense minister 

5. Kadala     - Chief Police Officer 

6. Kadagimi - Palace official and courtier 

7. Batari        - Head of the Royal Guard. 

After the death of Furkudil, the ruling dynasty was split into 2 represented by his two eldest sons (GAYA and DAWI) since then. Rulership in the Chiefdom has alternated between the two houses and this stability is maintained until government interference into the chiefdom brought about the creation of District Heads and the appointment of Chiefs who has no paternal relationship with the ruling family such as (Tul Bulus and Tul Adamu) whose relationship with the ruling family is by  marriage (maternal). 

Finally, there are 3 prominent heirs to the chieftaincy stool that stand the test of time which includes; 

1. Tul Fifiku Ruling House,

2. Tul Gurai Ruling House, Tul Gurai is the grandfather of the present Santuraki Adamawa Alhaji Hussaini Suleiman. 

3. Gaya Ruling House, they are cousins to the 2 sons of DAWI above and can be found in Gaya.
