

NANS urges youths to wake-up from slumber, get ready to elect youth-oriented leaders


The National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS) has urged students and youths to wake-up from political slumber and get ready to elect youth-oriented and youth-focused leadership come 2023 General Elections.

NANS also called all youths to go and get their Permanent Voters Cards as the new electoral law in place guarantees that votes must count as the chances of rigging had been tamed to the barest minimum. 

This is contained in a statement issued on Thursday in Enugu by the Coordinator, NANS Zone F (South-East), Comrade Moses Ibeabuchi, which was titled: “Open Letter to Nigerian Youths and Students”.

Ibeabuchi said that the aggregate voting right of the students and youths through the PVC remained the power and right they have in their resolve to change the country for good.

According to him, they (money bag politicians) can buy delegate votes; but the truth remains that we are too big, articulate, ever conscious, dogged and currently enlightened by these businessmen in power, to buy.

He noted that Nigerian students had been at home for three months and counting all in the name of ASUU strike, adding: “This shows how insensitive our government is”. 

The NANS leader noted that political leaders were only concerned about their political interest in the next election; and none is interested in the future of Nigerians in the next generation, adding: “This is our reality, a sad and unimaginable one”.

He said: “Fellow Nigerian youths and students have another opportunity to elect a new leader who shall steer our affairs as a people beckons.  As we all know 2023 is by the corner and an important year for all Nigerians.

“The year in which our desires for a paradigm shift from the retrogressive status quo we have found ourselves in, for a couple of dispensations now, to a new Nigeria full of unlimited possibilities and hope

“Fellow Nigerian youths and students, there is no gainsaying that we have never had it this bad in the successive history of our nation.  It’s sad and patently unbearable.

“There have been a myriad of killings and abductions that have happened in the country in the last twelve months, especially that of road and train travelers.

“Dear Nigerian youths and students, it is in this realisation and the reality that stares at us that I write to advise and as well plead with each of you to wake up from your sleep and slumber, and do what is right.

“It is no longer news that the continued voter registration exercise by INEC is ongoing.  First, let me appreciate all youths and students that had gone to register so as to stand a chance to vote in the 2023 general elections. 

“This is indeed a commendable move and a win for our nascent democracy. 

“As we can see, all political parties had elected their flag bearers for the exalted position of the president, and we are faced with the decision to make a choice as to who would lead us in the next eight years.

“I wish to strongly add my voice to the call for young Nigerians to go and register so as to get their PVCs before the fringe of time. 

“The election is apparently by the corner, and it is in our hands to make the difference and choose a leader who we truly believe would change the course of things and reposition our country Nigeria for good,”

Ibeabuchi said that recent statistics had shown that Nigeria has one of the largest youth populations in the world – currently the Nigerian youth population is about 33.6 million, which of course comprises 17 per cent of Nigeria’s population.

He urged celebrities, who are mostly youths, to come on board and use their platforms to preach the message of hope and voter education to their teeming fans and followers in order to sensitise the youths to do the right thing. 

“I also advise we jettison party loyalty, and support and vote for candidates with proven track records and perceptible competencies

“As we prepare within ourselves for this electoral tsunami of change, we should also endeavour to carry people around us along, our friends, relatives and community should also be enlightened on the need to join this revolution.


“In this electoral revolution, we must look beyond ethnic and religious sentiments; we must take decisions as Nigerians who want Nigeria to succeed and not as Igbos, Fulanis, Gwaris, Ibibios, Tivs, or Yorubas, who want their own to be in power.


“Nigeria needs a leader with a predefined people-oriented political ideology, and together we can do this. Let’s stand up and prove to the world that indeed Nigerians are ready for a better Nigeria,” he added.
