

Aguluezechukwu Community Secondary School Principal Confirms New Toilet Facilities Not ASUBEB Project


The principal Community Secondary School Aguluezechukwu in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra state, Mrs. Stella-Maris Ifeoma Okoye, has confirmed that the new modern toilet facilities in the school now is not a project of the Anambra State Universal Basic Education Board (ASUBEB) rather it is a project of the lawmaker representing Aguata 2 state constituency in the House of Assembly, Hon. Tony Muobike. 

The principal who made the confirmation while speaking to journalists during the commissioning and official handover of the new toilet facilities in the school compound at the weekend, equally confirmed to newsmen that Tony Muobike's timely response to their predicaments has ended unconventional means of easing themselves whenever they are pressed. 

She said that the former toilet was old, dilapidated and no longer fit for staff, students and visitors to use; hence they resorted to unhealthy and unconventional means of answering the call of nature. 

She said Tony Muobike was the very first politician to make a promise to the school  and fulfilled it, adding that they told the lawmaker about how they used surrounding bushes in the school as toilets and the lawmaker promised he would provide befitting convenience facilities with water system which he eventually did. 

Although the school principal expressed profound gratitude to Tony Muobike for fulfilling his promise to Community Secondary School Aguluezechukwu, she also implored the lawmaker to prevail on the state government to come and fence the school because the school, according to her, is not fenced and insecurity is one of their greatest challenges. 

Some of the students who spoke to journalist Raymond Ozoji concerning the new conveniences provided by Hon. Tony Muobike said it is a welcome development and they will always ensure that the conveniences are maintained properly. 

Onyekwere Nzubechukwu a JSS3 student said it was a very big challenge for staff and students resorting to improper ways to respond to the call of nature but with the provision of the new modern convenience facilities, such unwholesome methods of easing themselves would no longer be used. 

Also Odinaka Ezuma an SS2 student said it was true that they eased themselves in the bush but the new toilets provided by Hon. Tony Muobike has solved the problem. She said they would help to ensure that the facilities are kept clean and maintained always. 

The Aguata Local Government Chairman, Hon. Dr. Chibueze Ofobuike, who was one of the dignitaries present at the commissioning ceremony, also harped on maintenance culture. Ofobuike therefore tasked the school management to take absolute ownership of the project and ensure that they are properly maintained for their overall benefits while commending the lawmaker for fulfilling his promise to the school. 

Also an APGA stakeholder in Aguata Local Government Area, High Chief Titus Anigbogu, noted that Tony Muobike was already solving the problem of cholera with the provision of the toilet facilities. He therefore commended the lawmaker for the timely intervention. 

Meanwhile Hon. Tony Muobike who spoke to journalists shortly after the official handover ceremony, said the school told him they don't have toilets and as the Chairman House of Assembly Committee on Health and a health professional he understands what it means for the staff and students not to have toilet facilities describing the situation as a sanitary disaster. 

Muobike however disclosed that he assured the school management that within one month, they would get modern toilet facilities which he provided within the stipulated time. 

The lawmaker therefore thanked the people of Aguluezechukwu for welcoming all the initiatives in their community; assuring them that it is just the beginning of more democratic dividends that will come to them. 

Muobike also assured them that he would take the problem of lack of perimeter fence of Community Secondary School Aguluezechukwu to Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo to draw government attention to the plight of the school even as he explained that such major projects fall within the purview of the Executive arm of government. 


Commissioning cum official handover ceremony of the new modern convenience facilities built by Hon. Tony Muobike at Community Secondary School Aguluezechukwu in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State.
